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Showing posts from March, 2020

Breakers Basketball

We have been very fortunate to have the multi-talented Alex from the Breakers developing our basketball skills these last few weeks. He made us aware of the importance of making short, mid and long term goals. Alex has taught us some fundamentals of basketball Plus, we put the skills into practice by playing games. Lots of fun!

Narrative writing

Writing Narratives This term we have been learning how to create a piece of narrative writing. We have explored how to create a setting, character descriptions, what creates a good hook (that will engage the reader) and finally problem and solution. Here are a few pictures of us working in ours writing groups. These trios allow us to support each other as we work through the writing process. Receiving feedback and celebrating success by sharing our work with others.

Learning about our Turangawaiwai - Our Place of Standing

As part of our inquiry into Turangawaiwai, we have looked into the meanings of New Zealand place names. We created flags that will decorate our classroom and remind us of our standing place within New Zealand. What better way to learn, than through play?  Our puzzle has been pride of place within our classroom, it has allowed all children to take part in our inquiry throughout the day.